Monday 15 September 2014

My Argument

I am going to be looking at the representation of women in reality TV programmes. For this, I am going to look at specific examples such as Made in Chelsea, The Only Way is Essex and Geordie Shore. And then as an opposite view of this representation I am going to look at Big Brother, and how it includes people from all over and not just from one specific area. This will give a wider area of research and will enable me to challenge stereotypes from these areas.
As part of my research and understanding of my chosen topic, I need to look at some theories that support or counteract my argument. The first theory that I am going to apply to my argument is the feminist theory. This examines women's social, experiences, interests and feminist politics. Some of the themes that are explored in this theory are discrimination, objectification (especially sexually) and stereotypes. An example of this would be in Made in Chelsea, especially, as the men often see the women as a prize to be won. This is particularly true when two men are involved and it becomes like a competition. However, a counter type of this would be Gemma from The Only Way is Essex. She is a very strong and independent woman, and is often the one to shoot men down and make them feel humiliated.
The second theory that I can apply to my argument is the uses and gratifications theory. This looks at how people's needs influence how they use and respond to the media. It also says that people use media texts for a variety of reasons, these are; information, personal identity, integration and social interaction, and entertainment. The audiences of reality TV programmes watch because they may be able to identify with the characters on screen. As human beings, we are interested in how other people live, whether if they are rich or poor. So watching reality TV programmes allows the audience to see how a different group of people in the UK live. They may also get enjoyment from this.
For my line of production I am going to look at creating a TV magazine interview for a new reality TV programme. This new programme will go against the typical norms that are expected of reality TV. This interview will cover all of the ins and outs whilst being persuasive and informative.
To conclude, the final question for my topic of choice will be "Why are women often misrepresented in reality TV?"

Sunday 14 September 2014

Representation of Women in Reality TV

Women in Reality TV:
  • Women in reality TV programmes are represented very differently to the men.
  • E.g: "The Only Way is Essex" (ITV2), the women are represented to be very beauty conscious and quite stupid and quite self indulged.
  • E.g: "Made in Chelsea" (E4-Channel 4), the women are represented to be very posh, rich - the complete opposite to "TOWIE" because they seem to be more established because of the money that they have. However, when it comes down to the men, the women on both programmes become naïve, this is the similarity between the two.
  • E.g: "Geordie Shore" (MTV), this is similar to the other programmes that I have looked at as they try to be the typical stereotype of that particular place in the UK - this makes the people watching believe that everyone in that area are like this, when it may not be the case.
  • E.g: "Big Brother" (Channel 5), this is different as it offers a wider range of women from all over the UK with different values and ideologies. But they are set up to be in certain situations - so it poses the question, is it really reality TV? 
The women may be represented in this way because it is more entertaining and interesting for the audience to watch and enjoy. The people that are featured on reality TV programmes are represented as a much more exaggerated stereotype to what they may actually be like, and for this reason, people will either watch or avoid it. The characters in these programmes are often told how to act in certain situations and may even be given situations to be in, creating more entertainment for the audience.

Feminist Theory:
  • It examines women's social roles, experience, interests, and feminist politics.
  • They focus on analysing gender inequality.
  • Themes explored are discrimination, objectification (especially sexually), oppression and stereotyping.
  • In most reality TV programmes, the women are seen as a prize to be won by the men- especially in love triangles/rivals. This can be seen as objectifying women as they may not think about the women's feelings, only the prize at the end.
  • Feminists would most likely not agree with Reality TV programmes such as these for these reasons.
Audience Theory - Uses and Gratifications Theory:
  • People's needs influence how they use and respond to the media.
  • Audiences use media texts for a variety of reasons:
  • 1.) Information: Gaining a sense of security through knowledge.
  • 2.) Personal Identity: Identifying with characters.
  • 3.) Integration and Social Interaction: Insight into others lives.
  • 4.) Entertainment: Getting enjoyment.
  • Audiences may be able to identify with the characters of reality TV programmes and the situations that they may find themselves in.
  • They may also get enjoyment from seeing how other people live too.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Final Print Tasks

The picture above is of one my final pieces for the print tasks of my coursework. For one of my 3 pages, I created a full page album poster to be run in the music press. I made sure that I included all the relevant information, for example; the record company, where people can download it, the release date and who the album is by. I wanted to make sure that I created a poster that fit with the genre of music that Megan makes, which is folk. So I chose to use the picture of Megan with her guitar to show the sound of her music. I also chose the background of purple as it complimented the picture and made it stand out much more. By making the poster simple and not too hard to read, it means that it will attract the audience. I created this by using InDesign as it was much simpler to use compared to programmes such as Photoshop.
This picture is of another of my final pieces for the print tasks of my coursework. For this one I chose to do a half page advert for the tour to be run in the music press. I made sure that I included all of the relevant information, for example; when and where, where people can buy tickets, the record company and who the tour is for. It was important to me that this advert looked professional because it is meant to be run in the music press and the readers will not pay attention to it if it looks messy or un-professional. Using InDesign I was able to change the picture to black and white so it looks more intriguing. I then made sure that the writing on the image was clear enough to be able to read, so I made it white and bold. The photo follows the 'rule of thirds' composition, with Megan featured on the left third of the image, this makes it all more appealing to the eye of the audience, and makes it easier to receive the information. This allows the text to fill the vast amount of empty space leftover, as this is the most important piece of information to be seen by the audience.
Finally, the picture above shows the final piece for my print task of my coursework. I chose to do a press release to be sent to journalists that includes information about Megan and her music. I included biographical information, news on her album and tour and how people could get a hold of the person in charge if they needed more information. I also included 3 promotional photographs to go along with the information to interest the journalists and potential audiences that will read it. I used Microsoft Word to produce this press release as it gave me the features most suited to what I wanted to achieve. This included line spacing (1.5pt) to make the information clearer and easier to read.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Artist Promotional Video - Final Edit AS Media Coursework

This is my final edit for my broadcasting task as part of my media coursework. I decided to do a promotional video that includes biographical information, live footage of musical performances and an original song that plays in the background.

The camera angles that I used were pretty basic. I mainly used mid wide shots with a few mid-close ups. I decided to use these shots because I wanted the video to be very simplistic and only focus on the singer and what she was saying, rather than anything else in the room. I used natural lighting in the video to also give the video a simplistic feel. This is similar to the music genre that I have chosen to promote and is the reason as to why I made these choices.

The music in the video is non-diegetic and is an original song by the singer, and I was given permission to use the song to avoid copyright issues. Some of the music from live performances that are in the video are originals and others are covers. However, Megan has put her own spin on the covers making it seem as though it is a different song all together.

In editing, I added some effects to the video. When I included the live performances, I made sure to use the swap scene effect to make the video run smoothly. If I did not do this, the video could have looked quite bitty and like it didn't flow properly. To get back into the talking parts of the video, after a music performance, I made sure that the videos faded out so that it would run smoothly again.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Venue Research

For my print based task I am creating a poster for the artist's debut album, but I am also creating a half page tour flyer to promote it.
In preparation to creating this flyer, I needed to do some research into venues that would be appropriate for the genre of music that she plays and for the amount of people that may attend the concert.
Because she is a folk singer-songwriter, the best venues for her to play would be relatively small, intimate places where she can interact better with her audience. Also because this would be her first official tour with the debut album, it would be expected that not many people would know or listen to her music yet. Therefore, smaller venues would be best.
The picture below shows some websites that I looked at in order to get my research about appropriate venues:
 Here are the places that I have decided to choose:
1.) Olympia Theatre, Dublin - 1,600
2.) O2 ABC Glasgow, Glasgow - 922
3.) O2 Leeds Academy, Leeds - 2,800
4.) The Ritz, Manchester - 1,500
5.) The Leadmill, Sheffield - 900
6.) Albert Hall, Nottingham - 750
7.) The Institute, Birmingham - 2,000
8.) O2 Academy Bournemouth, Bournemouth - 1,800
9.) The Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth - 500
10.) Concorde 2, Brighton - 600
11.) Koko, London - 1,500
12.) Shepherd's Bush Empire, London - 2,000
I feel it would be best to do more shows in London as it is the place where music is celebrated and experienced much more than in other places in the UK.

Broadcasting Task (Preview)

This is a preview of my promotional video for the broadcasting task. This is only the ending of the video, but I just wanted to experiment with editing software and with incorporating music with the video before I began editing the whole thing.

I used Windows Movie Maker to create this. It was easy to use and made the editing process a lot simpler. I will definitely use this software to edit my final video.

First Print Draft

Before creating my first draft for one of my print tasks, I did some research. I am going to create an album flyer that will be run in the music press. So to research this I looked up some album flyers that had previously been run in the music press.
This is what I found. Researching these different styles helped me to create my own album flyer. The consistency that can be seen from these flyers is something that I wish to incorporate in my print task as it looks much more professional and will look like it actually belongs in the music press.
Below is a picture of my first draft of my album flyer. I wanted to keep the consistency that most other album flyers have so that it looks professional, and I feel like I have accomplished this.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Luke Friend sings I Will Wait by Mumford and Sons

The X Factor has been around for the past 10 years and only in recent years has there been more versatile and not so "mainstream" singers.
This is an example from this years X Factor.

Luke Friend has been one of this years "underdogs" of the competition. He has been consistently good, but never outstanding. However he is one of the very few contestants who has the ability to completely change a pop song to make it sound a lot more like his sort of style. Luke has played his guitar multiple times on the show and more often than not he has changed his given song into a more indie/folk sounding song.

In this particular example, Luke Friend has taken a Mumford & Sons classic (who I looked at for my research) and performed it to such a high standard that he had 3 out of the 4 judges on their feet.
This example supports my point that not many people know much about folk music but that it is becoming much more popular as it is now appearing on programmes like The X Factor. As it is becoming more popular , there will be more of a demand for it to be on TV. So in order for The X Factor to stay current and up to date, they need to gratify the needs of their audience by giving them more of what they want.

This particular show raked in an audience of 8.22 million, meaning that this genre of music would have been exposed to that many people which also means that it would get a lot more attention if these people liked what they heard and saw. And these viewing figures do not take into account the secondary audience that would have also been watching. So the final rating would have been much higher, meaning that folk music could get a lot more attention.

Questionnaire Results

Before carrying out my questionnaire, I made a hypothesis as to what I was expecting to find from carrying out this questionnaire. I expected that the majority of people who took part would not listen to folk music, but I expected that a lot of them would listen to pop music. One of the reasons why I chose the genre of folk was because I knew that not many people would listen to it so I felt it needed to be promoted and deserved to be heard. I also predicted that the majority of people would have been to a concert/festival/gig of some sort which is where I picture my singer performing. Below is a picture of my questionnaire that I carried out:
After asking these set of questions to 30 people with a mixture of ages, genders and preferences, I managed to prove my hypothesis right. Of the 30 people that took part in my questionnaire, only 10 of them said that they listened to folk music and the majority of these people tended to listen to most other genres of music too.
And 14 people had been to a festival at least once, proving that most people are open to listen to most types of music as that is what festivals are all about. And all but one person had been to a concert or gig of some sort, proving my hypothesis yet again.
From these results it is clear to see that my reasoning for choosing the genre of folk was a good decision and that I should definitely continue with my idea.

Saturday 4 January 2014

New Broadcasting Idea

This is my new idea for the broadcasting task, I am going to make a promotional video that will be posted on the singers' website and Facebook page.
These three pictures show my idea for this video in detail, they include a picture of what each shot will look like, how long the shot will last and what sound or dialogue there will be.

After doing some research into interviews and different styles of them, I found some relaxed and laid back ones that I liked the style of. After looking into a particular interview (The T4 Made In Chelsea one) that I liked, i decided that this would be the overall look and style of my video.
Looking at this video helped me to come up with the idea to use bright colours and to use sofas to make the interview seem less formal.

Creating this storyboard has helped me to get all of my ideas down in one place so I can see what is going to work and what isn't. It also has helped me to work out the timings of each shot and how long the video will need to be.
The brief says that this promotional video must be between 2-3 minutes. So with interview scenes, quick shots of music videos and personal videos, my video will be around 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

The shots that I have chosen to use are quite standard and easy to do (inspired by the T4 Made In Chelsea interview). The shots that I am going to use are long shots (for the interview scenes), medium long shots and up close shots (for music videos etc) and I will also use a few edited screens that will be included once all the filming is finished. I chose to use these shots because they are simple and easy to watch. They won't be too much for the audience to grasp but won't be too simple that they won't want to watch.

T4: Made in Chelsea Interview (Broadcasting Idea)

For my broadcasting idea, I am going to create a promotional video. This video will include information about my singer, for example; defining her genre, who her influences are etc.

This is an example of a T4 interview that was aired in 2011. I chose this video because I like the style of interview that it is in. It is quite laid back and chilled out and this is the type of interview that I would like to create. The sofas that the guests and presenters are sat on give this interview its laid back feel, this is why I am going to use sofas in my video to recreate this feel too. The questions that are asked in this video aren't too heavy or hard to answer so this is also another reason why I like this style of interview.

In the middle of the interview they show an exclusive preview of what is coming next for the latest Made in Chelsea series. This is another element that I liked as it is something that I would like to include in my video but with music and videos to get a more personal feel in the interview.

The camera angles in this interview are pretty standard and are quite typical of an interview, but this is also why I like it. The simplicity of it makes it easier for the audience to watch. However, it does change shots quite a lot. Whenever a new person speaks, the camera has a close up shot of the person's face and then zooms back out when the interviewer speaks again. I think this is also another element that I would like to incorporate as it will be simple but not too boring that people won't want to watch.

I also like the bright colours that are in the background of the studio that this interview is in. It catches the viewers eye and will therefore draw them in to watch the interview. I would like there to be a lot of colour in my interview too as I think it does make it look a lot more interesting and may appeal to a wider audience.